Help Save a Landmark: Give a Gift of Preservation


Your Gift will keep the the Doors Open at the NYC and NYS Landmarked Reformed Church on Staten Island, home to the Preservation League of Staten Island.

Since 2004, the historic Dutch church has been home to the Preservation League and has donated space for general office use, many historic, cultural and community programs.

Help Keep the Lights On! The church's membership has assisted our organization by volunteering their time and resources at our events and in implementing our programs, such as the Landmark Homeowner Group, Monthly meetings, recent West Brighton House tours and several Port Richmond Historic Village Tours.
Art at a Landmark is one of the cultural programs, which brings the public to the beautiful Victorian style- Sunday School wing in historic Port Richmond. These types of programs bring about much needed economic revitalization to the Port
Richmond Community.
Help support more programs at this Landmark! The cost of utilities and maintenance, has caused the church to end the year with a budget deficit that will hamper their efforts to implement their Preservation plans and continue to be home to the Preservation League of Staten Island.

Donate $50 or more and receive a Free Guided Tour of the Church and Historic Graveyard and the Annual Membership from Preservation League!

Thank you for your Donation! All Amounts are Appreciated!
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Thanks to Wells Fargowells fargo


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