The Need is Great on Staten Island- There are Many Faces of the Victims of Hurricane Sandy Posted on Wednesday, November 7, 2012
There are many faces of the victims of Sandy. We are working together to connect resources and empower neighbors helping neighbors. Staten Island Community Partnership is a volunteer-led coalition working with organizations, business and elected officials to help Hurricane Sandy victims on Staten Island, to return to a normal daily life. We have many challenges ahead and no one on Staten Island hasn’t been affected, in one way or another. Staten Islanders are struggling. Loss of a home, life, damage to property, loss of income, electric and access to services such as medical and more. Children and families are displaced and there will be a struggle to get back to a normal daily life over the short and long term. We are working with the Staten Island Huger Partnership and several not for profits on Staten Island. New Direction Services is requesting Gift cards to provide to needy families and food donations. School Supplies are in desperate need also. You may make a do...