New series titled Artist and Architecture starts June 4th
As part of its ongoing efforts to raise the awareness of historic preservation on Staten Island, the Preservation League of Staten Island (PLSI) is launching a new series titled “Artist and Architecture.” The series kicks off June 4 with a presentation in the Stapleton Heights home of Halina and James McCormack, a renowned art restorer and award-winning architect, respectively. As both part of the PLSI’s mission of education and a means for fundraising, Artist and Architecture will feature informal talks by local award-winning artists, designers and architects who exercise their talents in some of the Island’s historic and architecturally unique homes. These vintage buildings provide inspiration and ideas for their talented owners, who, in the course of the series, will speak on the joys and challenges of their respective trades. Three events are planned for this year: the spring program in the McCormacks’ 1870 mansion; a late summer/early fall visit to the West Brighton home of...